Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Her name is Diana (pronounced DE-ON-NA). She was born April 8, 2003. She weighed about 7 pounds and was about 20 inches long at birth. In her picture (which was taken at about 1 month old) she had blue eyes and dark hair. When they called the orphanage to inquire about her they said she still has dark hair and blue eyes and is darker complected. She looks gorgeous in her baby picture. She has motor and speech delays which is normal, of course. Her file, also, says she has light stage anemia and she has a hernia. She is in Donetsk and we will travel there by train. We will leave Wednesday night to go there and, hopefully, meet her on Thurs. We were told this is a very nice orphanage. We are very excited to meet her!

The NAC appointment went very quick. Everyone was very kind.

We will let you know how our meeting with Diana (hopefully soon to be Aubree) goes.

Now Dave and I are going to head out and try to find some food!

Shannon and Dave


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exciting!!!!!How far of a train ride is that??? Sounds like things are starting to move right along. Cant wait to hear the news............keep us posted....Bob and I are glued to your site!!!! Catch ya later-Julie

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exciting!!!!!How far of a train ride is that??? Sounds like things are starting to move right along. Cant wait to hear the news............keep us posted....Bob and I are glued to your site!!!! Catch ya later-Julie

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exciting!!!!!How far of a train ride is that??? Sounds like things are starting to move right along. Cant wait to hear the news............keep us posted....Bob and I are glued to your site!!!! Catch ya later-Julie

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Shannon and Dave,
I am so glad to hear that everything is moving right along despite the small set back you had with your first appointment. As I said before you left, I am so proud of you for everything you are going through to bring this beautiful little child into your lives. She will be so lucky to have you all as a family. I can't wait to see all of you again. I check your website first thing in the morning and last thing at night, just waiting to hear what is new. I will continue to keep you, including your family back here, in my daily prayers. Keep your hearts open.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mommy and daddy
,cxmc,mn,n,,nc,nncmn,zn,vnx,x,mvnz,n,zflkdsflfljflskjflkdsjlfddklskljskljl;ajfjjfljflfljldsjflsjlfsdjfjfjkldfj/sakdfjdk. ( that says .. I love aubree and mommy and daddy and the airplane.)hfg fdjsjsjsjsjfhs. (I want to give another kiss to mommy all all day.) djdjskjdasjjklsfjjfsdajjfjdjjjdjdfjfadjdjfjjajddkls. (I will let you ride my harley and i wish that you can see a angel butterfly.) ,bcxvvbvxcvvbxbfdbjzhbcmvbvbbvvznvdfhj i miss mommy and daddy with all my heart.
Love brenna ( i let brenna type and then i wrote what she said as she typed)

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys
everything sounds like its going right on track... i am so happy for you and you guys are doing an amazing thing. God is taking care of you and our new addition to the fam. I cant wait to hear all about the new and exciting experiences.. this is a once in a life time event.. i love reading this site... its fabulous... you have so many people praying for u and brennie.. and the baby... LOVE YOU TONS-ange

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys... glad to hear you have a referal. I read the letter to breanna (well, sort of...) and she was jumping up and down to know you were going to see "Aubree". I know it was hard for you to talk to her but I think you should talk to her every once in awhile. She did fine after we hung up. We make lists of all the things she will tell aubree and teach her. She is really excited to be a big sis. She even told me she is never going to suck her thuumb again because she is a big sis.. but that lasted 5 minutes:) Gotta go.. Love nik (mom must not know how to post becasue i know she has been on to check in with you).

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you could ---put a few pictures of you on the site for Brenna--she wants to see some.
thamks. love you-nik

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shan and Dave,

I am so happy that I am crying while typing. I'm sure you two had a few tears when you saw Diana's (Aubree)pix for the first time. Nikki said Brenna is already talking like a big sister.

I can't wait to tell Dad the news - dark hair, blue eyes and beautiful, just like our Brenna.

Try to get some rest and be careful on your trip. I know everything will go great.

Nikki had to tell me how to post.
Love - Mom

10:43 AM  

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