Finally, tomorrow we will start heading home. I can't put into words how happy we are to be going home to Brenna! I just have to thank my sister, Nikki, and Jeremy, her husband, once again for taking care of Brenna while we were gone. They have ten and half month old twin boys so they are busy enough as it is! So, we appreciate so much that were willing to care for her and keep her happy and busy while we were gone. You guys did a great job! I know she misses us but I can tell she has had a great time with you while we have been away.
Brenna was so cute when I spoke with her this morning. She said, "Only two more nights to go to sleep before you'll be home!....but I wish it was just one night of sleeping." She is so adorable!
Aubree enjoyed her second bath tonight. At first she cried but then she started enjoying herself. After she got out I started working on her's still a learning process!! I love her curly hair I just have to figure out how to manage it! But I'm sure I'll get the hang of it after much trial and error.
Well, keep your fingers crossed for us that Aubree will manage okay on the plane to Amsterdam. I think we will have internet access in our hotel room in Amsterdam so we'll update the site tomorrow night!
Shannon and Dave
Hey guys-we were at talking about you this morning that you would probably be climbing the walls waiting to jump on that plane!!!! I bet Brenna will have the biggest hug in the whole world for you guys and her little sister. I cant even imagine what those first couple of minutes with each other will be like. Call me when you get settled back at home-I cant wait to hear all about your trip and Aubree but we will give you a few days to get settled. I am sure you will have your hands full and having trouble getting back on the right time schedule. Have a safe trip.................Love Bob and Julie
glad she liked her bath. when she gets home she will have brenna and lots of toys to play with while she takes and brenna talk about bath time alot. bren is just worrie dbecause she has never seen aubree naked.....haha (thats really what she said). well- she want to go out and play! i cant believe tomorrow is the day you start coming home. it doesnt seem real that in less than 48 hours you will all be together for the first time...lots of tissues will be needed!! talk to you later...luv- nik
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